
Welcome to the OSU Leadership Center 

The OSU Leadership Center is led by a group of professionals dedicated to providing leadership-centered education and research to individuals, organizations and communities. We provide high-quality, practical programs to build and strengthen leadership capacities. 

Created in 1990, the center is located on the Columbus campus of The Ohio State University and is a part of the Departments of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership and OSU Extension. Our mission is to provide research-based resources and high quality practical programs to build and strengthen leadership capacities that make a positive difference in the lives of Ohio's citizens.

     This year, we are 如何访问youtube of hands-on workshops and strength-based training activities to both organizations and individuals.

     “Our workshops are accessible, affordable and applicable. Our participants leave with new ideas and tools that they can apply immediately,” said Beth Flynn. 

     In effort to continue providing these opportunities, now through December 2023, all workshops and sessions will be online in order to protect the health of our participants and facilitators due to coronavirus. 

     Instructor Tom Stewart said, “I think these workshops are important because it helps people transform their lives. Nothing is more important than being able to really improve someone’s life and in many cases the Leadership Center does just that!”

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Chrome浏览器用梯子后无法访问Google、YouTub(转载 ...:2021-3-12 · 被Chrome禁止访问了吗?伍下是原文——————————————原文由 wwyydd 发表在 Networking 版 苹果电脑,用的梯子可靠稳定。搭上梯子后自带的Safari浏览器可伍上Google、YouTube、Twitter等等各种网站,说明网络环境本身没有问题。

To find additional information about the Ohio State Leadership Center, visit our website, subscribe to our newsletter, and follow our social media accounts. 


Snowflackes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.

- Vista M. Kelly -

I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.

- Abraham Lincoln -

I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells.


Humiity should guide the way in which you speak and act.

- E.G. Stephan -

Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.

- John Wooden -

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Whenever I need a "go-to" person for a lively and timely individualized development program, I go to Beth Flynn!  Her leadership training talents have been a resource for my students and colleagues for...

Nancy K. Lahmers, OSU Fisher College of Business

Have subscribed to Leadership Moments for MANY years – for inspiration, for reflection, for sharing.  The short articles often prompt me to look for a resource and read more.  I’ve “collected...

如何通过YouTube实现财富自由?-陈默营销外推:2021-6-12 · Youtube目前已经成为许多外国人在家赚钱的好方法伍及自由职业者扎堆的不二平台,尤其是越来越多的网红、KOL的崛起,95后、00后通过自己的博主事业年入百万的事迹被疯狂报道之后,越来越多的人开始对YouTube的收益兴趣不已,现在再给大家细化一下各大视频内容平台获得收益的方式,于是 …

I would like to continue receiving leadership moments as there are many helpful reminders and in some cases, new concepts within them that I can share with my leadership peers.  We incorporate what we find useful....

【转载】下载YouTube视频的5种方法 – 学习 - 落伍老站长:今天 · 下面,笔者精选了5种最新的下载YouTube视频的方法,使用方法也非常的简单方法,我伊一起来看一看。方法一:使用桌面版下载软件 怎样下载YouTube视频?你的第一反应肯定是从网上下载一个桌面版的YouTube视频下载工具,正解!

We received a call from a participant who said that Tuesday's seminar was the best one he had ever attended, and over the years, he's attended many.  He said when he returned to work, he used the...


We found the Spectrum Temperament Development program to be essential to building a strong team.  Beth Flynn did a wonderful job facilitating the program.  She is excellent at defining, in a non-threatening...

Robyn M. Tate, Human Resources

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对YouTube的审查 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书:2021-6-11 · 中国自2021年10月开始曾多次无法访问YouTube,其网址(youtube.com)也被加入防火长城的关键字过滤系统,有趣的是转发YouTube的影音网站与可订阅的博客相当多。[15] [16] 2021年10月31日,YouTube再度可伍访问,期间官方没有任何解释。[17] [18]

By: Beth Flynn, Tuesday, July 28th, 2023

"One form of discomfort or pain arises when our lives are out of alignment with our goals, such as when what we do doesn't fit our values, or when we have changed but our lives have not. When we discover we are out of alignment, we can notice how we can describe the events of our lives and the stories we weave to make sense of the world.


【转载】下载YouTube视频的5种方法 – 学习 - 落伍老站长:今天 · 下面,笔者精选了5种最新的下载YouTube视频的方法,使用方法也非常的简单方法,我伊一起来看一看。方法一:使用桌面版下载软件 怎样下载YouTube视频?你的第一反应肯定是从网上下载一个桌面版的YouTube视频下载工具,正解!

This year, we are celebrating 30 years of hands-on workshops and strength-based training activities to both organizations and individuals. In doing so, we are offering 15% off of our 21st Century Workshops through July 30, 2023. 

Seven Dimensions of a Highly Effective Workplace

By: Beth Flynn, Tuesday, July 21st, 2023
  1. "Provide learning opportunities as a part of every work life.
  2. Create a culture where supervisors support the job success of their teams.
  3. Be mindful of the positive and negative repercussions of autonomy.
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  6. Improve advancement systems.
  7. Recognize and reward the importance of supportive co-worker relationships (p. 22-23)."




30th Anniversary: Moving Forward - How to Talk about Race in the Workplace online
Communication and Conflict Management
Civility @ Work
Leading from Wherever You Are
Flex Your Leadership Style
